I'm Laura the creator of myHappymind
Years because we believe all children deserve to learn the tools to thrive from the earliest ages.
Based on leading science and the latest research this program enables you to bring a fully developed framework and curriculum into your setting.
We also provide detailed support to parents and a very special online, self-paced program for your staff called 'myHappymind for You'.Take a look around and get in touch if you have questions. You can get instant access within a couple of clicks.

A subscription to myHappymind for Early Years includes 2 fantastic programs
One for the children and for the staff:
myHappymind for Early Years
Program Overview

myHappymind for You
We believe that staff wellbeing is just as important as child wellbeing

We are already supporting award winning nursery chains
And have been featured in:
myHappymind for Early Years Learning Approach

Still wondering if myHappymind for Early Years is for You?
If you answer yes to the following questions, we know you'll be right at home in the myHappymind family!
You are passionate about preventing mental ill health by teaching children proactive strategies
You are committed to a whole setting culture around happiness and wellbeing and can commit 10 minutes a day to developing habits
You believe in investing in your staff and want to promote a culture of wellbeing in your setting
You want to help to provide parents with practical resources that they can use at home to support their child's learning
Got questions?
Here are some questions others have asked us before joining
How long do the lessons take to teach?
We have structured the program in such a way that the myHappymind program is delivered in short sessions of 2 - 10 minutes. This is to ensure that you can easily integrate it into existing practices and routines within your setting.
How does myHappymind for You work? Do we need to do it all together at work?
No. myHappymind for You has been designed to be taken whenever and wherever it makes most sense for your staff. We know that reflecting on your own wellbeing can be a private topic and so staff can access the program from the privacy of their own home as and when it suits them.
How many people can access the learning portal?
We will give you as many log in details as you have staff. We do ask that only employed staff members use the portal but we are happy to set up as many staff as you need us to.
We are a group of nurseries, do you offer a discount?
Yes. The cost is £499 per setting per year but if you have multiple settings we can look at a discount. Just contact us to discuss your needs.